Applied Bioenergetic Medicine
The aim of our Applied Bioenergetic Medicine Department is to investigate how living organisms generate, store,
and use energy at the cellular level. It seeks to examine
the connection between energy flow and biological functions in and between organisms.
Our research, training, and techniques—rooted in solid science and enriched by ancient wisdom—allow us to
create a strong foundation for adjusting the vibration frequency of the mind, body, and heart.
The New England School of Bioenergetic Medicine
is redefining the future of healthcare.
Environmental Therapeutics
In the understanding that healing ourselves is symbiotic
with healing our planet, we offer innovative programs
that integrate interventions for human and
non-human health alike.
The Environmental Therapeutics Department is dedicated to exploring and teaching the profound healing capabilities of plants, botanicals, forests,
animals, and the overall natural world.
Traditional Asian Medicine
The Traditional Asian Medicine Department is dedicated to research and education that bridges the old and new, merging time-honored practices with cutting-edge scientific research to provide comprehensive knowledge in holistic health.
We are committed to nurturing knowledgeable, skillful, and ethically oriented practitioners who appreciate the importance of sustaining health in harmony
with nature.
The Department is currently closed; however, we anticipate an opening in Fall 2025. Please remember to check back regularly!